Friday, March 9, 2012

I'm still reading Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell, and for this assignment I've read Chapters 5-7.

In chapters 5-7, we learn that Scarlett gets married to Charles to make Ashley jealous. However, she just ends up making herself miserable because as soon as Charles goes away to war, he dies of measles and pneumonia. Because of this, she becomes a widow at 17 years old and will basically never get to attend any parties ever again, or have any beau, or have any fun at all. She goes away to her aunts', but leaves after one month because it was so dreadfully boring. She then goes to Atlanta to visit Charles's Aunt Pittypat and Melanie, who she detests, because Melanie stole Ashley away from her. She stays in Atlanta for a long time, and that is where we leave her.

Rhett Butler is still fresh in her mind, sort of a symbol of her last day of freedom. She doesn't hear of him for a long time, but when she gets to Atlanta, she learns that he is someone who runs the blockades, who sneaks precious things into the city in between the Yankee ships. This gets her attention, because she is someone who loves all that is expensive, and she has been missing her silks and taffeta and velvets. However, as she is a widow in mourning, she has had to give up her jewels and ball gowns and beaux. Rhett Bultler is a reminder of all that she has lost and all that she will never be able to have again.

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