Wednesday, January 4, 2012

...Am I Doing This Right?

Hallo! My name is Geekwad, and I will be your blogger this evening. Can I get you anything? Some reading glasses, perhaps, or a mug of hot chocolate? No? Okay then.

This blog is to give me a space to publish my book reviews and maybe get some thoughts in here and there, and then maybe to post some pictures and other doodads i find on my journey through the Abyss (otherwise known as the internet).

Let's start with me. You already know my name is Geekwad. That basically sums up my personality. All you have to do is look at me. I am usually accompanied by a few large books, a pair of glasses, and a goat. (Just kidding about the goat part. They stay in their pen.) I also enjoy expanding my vocabulary. A lot. And this bugs my friends quite a bit, as I usually fail to explain just what I mean by "callipygian" (haha :) ) or "lycanthropy" (though I've never quite used the word "lacanthropy, I've always wanted to. I suspect that they would have rather the same reaction). I'm a leading member of my school (GMS's) Nerd Herd. It's an honor to have this position, by the way. At least in my opinion.

I'm going to have to move away from the subject of myself, though. I need to start writing about the ACTUAL reason I started writing this blog--book reviews. Let's start with the best book of all time. Can you guess what it is?

If you guessed Lord of the Rings, you would be correct. Yes, I'm a total Tolkien-aholic. The first step in the healing process is admitting that you have a problem. I cannot get enough of Aragorn and Eomer and I read it all the time. I watch the movies, too. They're amazing. However, I am not here to write movie reviews; I must remind myself of that...:)

So. Here it goes.

Lord of the Rings, by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, is a timeless story of true love, perseverance, action, and the underlying plot is a beautiful story of how people from all corners of the world, all of different races, who maybe positively HATE each other's race, band together to defeat a common evil. That's something that we need to remember in troubled times like we have. I loved the heroic battle scenes sprinkled with forbidden romance. It's a must-read for anyone that likes romance, comedy, poetry, action, fantasy, science fiction, war epics, or anyone with a rainy day and a cup of cocoa. Transporting you to faraway lands that you'll fall in love with and never want to leave, the Lord of the Rings is truly a classic.

So that's my first-ever blog post. I hope I did it right. Stay tuned!

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