Sunday, January 8, 2012

There's A Difference.

Hallo again! Geekwad here.

So, I overheard something in the school hallway that made me unhappy. Supremely unhappy. From what it sounded like, someone was getting their terminology mixed up. To be specific, "geek" and "nerd". There's a difference. A BIG difference.

You see, if you are a "geek", you are a computer enthusiast, or someone who is over intellectual to the point where you sometimes turn people off. That's what I like to think of myself as.

However, a "nerd" is basically someone who has no people skills whatsoever. You might also be extremely unattractive or smell bad. Either way, it's much, much worse than "geek".

I sincerely hope that those two young girls discover this soon.

On a lighter note, my room is being painted as we speak. This is extremely exciting, as now I can put up my posters! (I am also going to purchase some new ones, as SOMEthing(s) (*cough cough* Theo and Stormer *cough*) destroyed some of my others. For those of you who do not know who I am talking about, you will soon be enlightened. Theo and Stormer are our youngest outdoor-but-think-that-they-are-indoor kitten-cats. They are very sweet and, luckily, know where to put their claws now (most of the time).

Now that we are on this subject, let me tell you about the rest of my menagerie.

I live WAY out in the boonies, about 15 miles from Small Town, and on a Hobby Farm. My family has:
12 chickens
5 (fat) nanny pygmy goats (Boo-Yah, Anna Grace, Beezus, Pixie, and Violet)
5 indoor-but-think-they-are-outdoor kitten-cats (Theo, Stormer, Peter Parker, Smokewhite, and possibly Mitzi, but we haven't seen her in several months :( )
2 old white city dogs (Mickie and Mollie)
1 4-month-old gangly farm dog (Betsy)
3 rabbits (Fabian, Bianca, and Caramelcake)
and let's hope sometime soon 1 miniature donkey (Arthur--isn't that a GREAT name for a miniature donkey? )

And then me, my brother, my mom, my dad, and cornfields. Oh, and gravel. Lots and lots of gravel.

I love where I live. It's the highest hill around and you can see for miles. It's much more laid-back and relaxed than when we used to live two blocks from the town square and one block from the college in Previous Small Town. We never could have had animals like we do now. Or the freedom to go and explore the creek and woods and such like we do now.

You can also see FOREVER where we live. As in, you can see basically every constellation that anyone has ever laid eyes upon. That's a major plus for a space geek like me.

And I call myself a space geek, not space nerd. Because there is a difference. :)

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